Building Projects
A proposal to improve our lighting and related infrastructure has now being finalised and work will commence in October 2023.
'The Ark' was completed in 2022. A beautiful small room for young families to have a quiet space during church services. The new heating has made a big difference this winter with a much warmer church for us all plus a more efficient system to reduce our energy consumption.
Although a small vestibule with a small room, water and toilets was built in the 1960s, the church buildings were very inadequate for a busy church community trying to use its buildings for lots of activities.
In 2010 St Peter's Church Building in Doversgreen was sold and the money used to help build an Annex onto the West End of St Luke's Church. The money from St Peter's has been supplemented by grants from trusts and sacrificial giving from members of the congregation.
The New annex was opened by the Bishop of Croydon on 13th December 2015.

History of our Buildings
The Church Building is a locally listed building built in 1871 using Reigate Stone. If you would like to find out more about the history of the church, there is a booklet with more information which can be viewed and downloaded by clicking on the link below.
Read our booklet
'A Brief History of St. Luke's Church (1871 - 2021)' PDF Version
View as a Flipbook by clicking fullscreen and sliding across the pages