Sunday Services
Sunday Service is being live streamed on our YouTube channel
The church is open for gathered worship and we are also live streaming our 10.30am Sunday morning service.
See our services calendar below for a list of our forthcoming services.
Please visit our Watch Online page to view the live stream and listen to our recorded services.
Sunday morning
Every Sunday at 10.30am
We have a contemporary service lasting up to 90 minutes with the sung worship mostly led by a music group and singers, with the organ accompanying us occasionally. We begin our service gathered together and after 15-20 minutes the children and young people go to their age specific groups (2 years old up to school year 8 - SEE BELOW). Sometimes the service is an ‘All Together’ service where we intentionally shape our service to be appropriate for all ages. Once a month we share bread and wine together in a service of Holy Communion, normally on the third Sunday.
Our service is live streamed and you can listen to previous sermons here.
Sunday evening
On the third Sunday of the month at 7pm
We have an evening service of sung worship, prayer, ministry and conversation. This is a very informal service in the St Peter's Room and there is space and time to meet with God and let Him minister to you through the Holy Spirit. This service does not take place in July and August.
Mid-week Service
Wednesday at 10.30am
in the St Peter's Room. An hour long, informal service where we sing and explore a bible passage together, pray and share holy communion. Tea and coffee is served afterwards.

Please get in touch to discuss arrangements for weddings, baptisms or funerals.
Services Calendar
please scroll

Easter 2024
Palm Sunday
24th March 10.30am
Maundy Thursday
28th 8pm
Good Friday 29th
All age service at 10.30am
An hour at the Cross 2-3pm
On Easter Day Sunday 31st March we celebrate 'Christ is Risen' Live Streamed and All Age congregation in church 10.30am with Holy Communion.

Harvest 2024
Sunday 20th October 10.30am
We celebrate Harvest Festival in October, always giving to a charity that works with those overseas who are less fortunate than ourselves. In recent years we have supported projects run by International Needs.

SSunday 15th December
Family Nativity Service - 10.30am
Carols by Candlelight - 7pm
Sunday 22nd December
Christingle Service - 4.00pm
Tuesday 24th December
Midnight Communion 11.15pm
Wednesday 25th December
Christmas Day Celebration Service 10.00am