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Have questions about life and faith...?

You're not alone and we have many ways for you to explore and ask questions

Do get in touch if there is anything you would like to know about our church, or to talk with someone on our team.

Exploring Faith & Worship


Join a course

We have a number of courses throughout the year that help you to explore who Jesus is, the difference He has made to the world and how He can transform your life too.

Our courses explore the basics of the Christian faith in a welcoming, open and friendly environment. They are free and there’s no pressure or follow-up. Each session you’ll be hosted in a group where you’ll hear different topics on Christianity, and have time to chat through any thoughts. You can say anything you like or nothing at all. Everyone’s welcome. No matter your background or beliefs, you’re invited.

Each week you'll find video based teaching and space to ask any question.


Life Groups

We have five mid-week life groups, some via Zoom, that allow us to develop friendships as we support one another.

Life Groups are a place to live life together with other people from church as we delve into the Bible, ask questions, listen, discuss, pray and support one another. The groups meet fortnightly on zoom or in person, daytime and evening for approximately 90 minutes. If you want to try out a Life Group then please speak to Aneal.

Tuesday morning - Pearl & Sarah

Tuesday evening - Linz & Alison

Wednesday evening - David & Jude

Wed evening - Mandie & Chrissie

Thursday evening - Andy & Penny



For any questions about Prayer or requests for Prayer, please contact Annie (07906 944562) & Nige (07504 084975) our Prayer coordinators Regular Weekly Prayer Meetings Monday at 9.15am Wednesday & Friday at 9.00am

Sunday Evening Prayer Meeting 3rd, 10th, 17th & 24th September Time: 5.00pm Interested in attending? Speak to Sue Smith or Lorna Nieuwenhuys to find out where the prayer meeting is being held.

Most of our worship is contemporary in style, led on acoustic guitar or keyboard and accompanied by singers and instruments, which can include clarinet, flute and cello with other instruments sometimes added to the mix. They are supported by a tech team comprising AV, sound and camera operators for the benefit of those in church and on our live stream. We also have an electric organ which is used for traditional hymns. During lockdown we quickly acquired all the equipment, and learnt the new skills necessary, to allow us to record our own music urgently needed for our new on-line services. As well as Sunday mornings, the team love worshipping in different settings. Our ‘3rd Sunday’ evening service gives an opportunity for extended worship, introducing new songs and new worship styles in a relaxed and informal café style setting. Members of the team link up with other local churches, and share informal and formal worship times. We also attend national worship events, and link in with New Wine worship leaders for input and advice.

Sung Worship

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