People think of church as a building, or a service, but church is actually a "gathering of people" who meet to celebrate the life they have found in Jesus. People from all walks of life.
People like you and me.
People looking for purpose and hope.

Welcome to St Luke's Church. We hope you find it helpful and informative as you prayerfully consider whether God is calling you to St Luke’s. Our congregation and visitors describe us as welcoming, friendly, supportive and encouraging. We have a high level of participation in church groups and social events. Church members desire to go deeper with God and are hungry to engage with Bible based teaching, prayer and worship. We are a Bible-based, Christ-centered, charismatic evangelical family church which enjoys a relaxed and informal style during our main services, as well as offering a more formal 8.45am service. Our worship is led by our committed and gifted music team with a heart for Spirit-led worship, who allow us to experience a range of styles and settings. Our mid-week Life Groups are core to our pastoral and equipping strengths, and feed into our high level of community volunteering.
Where and at what time is the service?Services are held each Sunday at 10.30am and are live sreamed on our Youtube channel @stlukesreigate A midweek service is held on Wednesdays at 10.30am
How should I dress?You will be welcome just as you are.
Do you have a program for kids during the service?Children and young people are very welcome and we provide separate groups to suit all ages.
How can I find out more about your church and what you believe?Our strapline is LIFE MATTERS…. because we believe that ‘life does matter’ and that God is about ‘matters of life’. Whatever is going on in your life, whether a celebration or a struggle, we believe that God cares and is at work in the world today and through His people (the church) and we would love to get to know you and help you know God. Do get in touch if there is anything you would like to know about our church, or to talk with someone on our team.

We look forward to welcoming you.
Do get in touch if there is anything you would like to know about our church, or to talk with someone on our team.
Any questions? Contact our Vicar: aneal@stlukesreigate.org.uk